A decade ago, mandatory renters insurance was so rare that landlords who tried to impose it risked losing tenants. Today it’s as much…
You’ve been searching for the perfect house for months. Finally, you find the one. After your offer is accepted and a small mountain…
More and more real estate agents are switching brokerage firms to pursue better deals and commissions. “There’s not a lot of brand loyalty,”…
Thanks to a set of new federal rules doled out earlier this week, it has now become a bit more difficult to obtain…
As mortgage interest rates continue to remain at historic lows, potential homebuyers are loving it and the financial sector is hating it. “There’s…
According to a report released by HSH, San Francisco is the most expensive city in the United States for home buyers. San Francisco…
According to a survey done by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, American household debt has increased for the third straight quarter.…